Our Misson

As a subsidiary of FANCASTER, Inc., our mission is...

To serve as a resource to best-of-class organizations by providing a deep understanding of change and facilitating development of practical strategic initiatives to leverage change. We have the leadership, experience, skill sets, working knowledge, and talent requisite to be considered the leading best practices firm working in wireless media today.

What is your Wireless Strategy?

  • Emerging technologies are changing media, the media environment, behaviors in media usage, and the consumer mindset.
  • The velocity of change in the "mediascape" is profound.
  • The emerging "mediascape" is creating dramatic, new opportunities and concurrent challenges
  • Those prepared to strategically leverage change will gain significant competitive advantage over those content to carry forward the status quo

More Info>>
Wireless: Look Before You Beep

A Medium That's Well Done

Ad-Supported Content Attracts Wireless Carrier Attention
FEC Rules In Favor of Target Wireless Petition

BPA Worldwide Does Wireless with Target Wireless
Contact us:

(646) 590-0026
FANCASTER, Inc., dba Target Wireless